Via – Fox News

Comedian Tim Allen took aim at political correctness in his field, lamenting the fact that he has to accommodate the “thought police” when speaking to big arenas.

“What I got to do sometimes is explain — which I hate — in big arenas, that this is a thought police thing, and I do not like it. But when I use these words, this is my intent behind those words,” he told “The View” on Monday.

“So as long as you understand my intent — I still get people: ‘Well, just don’t say it,'” he said, mocking critics.

Co-host Joy Behar, also a comedian, had asked Allen about “pc culture” which she said made comedy “really hard.”

“I think my act, if I ever brought that old act back, I’d be driven out of town,” she said.

Later in their conversation, Allen indicated that political correctness was “an alarming thing for comedians.”

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